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Saturday, October 20, 2018

QR Pay

When i am Conducting a " Android Apps Development Workshop" at PULAKOP Sabah, i have been asked by the participant about "how to setup a QR Pay " for their business.

actually my workshop is more to Mobile Apps -How to create, install it on their phone ans some bonuses like how to upload it on Google Play Store.

So, back to "QR Pay". i had shared them on QR Pay with Maybank QR Pay services.
Yes, i only have information about this services (couse i am a Maybank user). The setup and usage of QR Pay with Maybank is super easy.

you only need,
1. Maybank Account
2. the Apps (you can download it)
3. Setup it.

sometimes when you need cash and run into the ATM ( and the ATM is OFFLINE/ no services) or maybe a long que at ATM, that situation is so ~!@#$%.

But with this option, QR Pay, thats HELP a lot.
All you need is, you have Money in your bank (hehe) and already install and setup it.
andddddd..... make sure your internet have data and your battery phone is OK)

For the SELLER... this QR PAY also HELP you.
where seller dint need to prepare coins and money. Costumer needs to scan and pay the needed amount. Bank notification will be sent to seller and costumer.

yeaahhh, now a days more QR pay had been developed. Others country already use it.
and other system payment also been developed. The technologies grow rapidly super fast... 
we need to adapt and aware ....

i hope with this small post will add something information for you to search other or NEW Technology.... ( and you share it...into this comment section)


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